General Information

Please note that a paper can be published in Procedia CIRP when the following criteria are fulfilled:

  • an Author/Presenter has registered to the conference
  • the paper has been presented during the conference


Registration Fees Options



Registration Steps

Registration and payment process is handled by University of Patras E-payment means.

To register online please follow the next steps:
  1. Follow this LINK (link will be activated in due course)
    • In the “REGISTER NOW” section please select the desired quantities of the items you wish to purchase
  2. Click the “PROCEED WITH PAYMENT” button
  3. Please fill in the “BILLING DETAILS” section. Fields marked with * are required
  4. In the “PAPER REGISTRATION INFORMATION” please make sure to enter the 7 numeric digits of your manuscript(s)
  5. In the “ATTENDEE REGISTRATION INFORMATION” please registering any Attendee Participant(s)
  6. Press the “PLACE ORDER” button
  7. Please select “PAY NOW” to proceed with payment

For any question or issue that might arise please contact: email address will be announced in due course